Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Clap on my friend

Lochy is growing and developing to keep up with his brother.  That and no other reason.

Loch is almost one year old here.  Note Josh in the beanbag behind him on his iPhone, not paying attention to anything.

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Hand, Foot and Mouth - not fun

Once, when I was 5 years old, I woke up in the morning with chicken pox.  As I remember it, we were heading to Florida for Christmas and I come down with the pox.  Well a similar thing happened to our little Lockie on our vacation to Rayong.  He came down with Hand Foot and Mouth virus which presents itself as chicken pox but not as itchy but also can go into the mouth and make eating very painful.  As there is no vaccine for this virus, he had to endure the bumps and blisters and of course he wanted to share so Josh came down with it as well as Bec.  In the end everyone is cured I think and we will live another day to find another reason to head to the hospital to see Dr. Somyad once again.  We are already platinum members with his office.

Sunday, September 21, 2014

A big day out - Bangkok Car Free Day

First time we took the boys with us on a bike ride through the city and joined 5,000 other bikers as Bangkok celebrated a "Car Free Day", almost.  Dodging traffic and keeping up with the other riders so not get clipped we headed to the Grand Palace with the boys in tow.  Lochie was quite the site as he took a nap amidst all of it.

Friday, August 22, 2014

First steps...almost

Whoa, I'm walking. But I'm only 8 months old, that's not supposed to happen yet. 

Sydney August 2014

Lochy loving the beach at Balmoral. 

Hey I got a new ride

August 2014

Mummy bought a new ride for Lochlan and now he's ready to hit the streets of Bangkok.